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Ambalaj: 20L
Grupa: Ulei Motor Camioane
Viscozitate: 10W40
Product description
Divinol Multimax Scandrive 10W40 is USHPD high performance motoroil based on synthesis technology for hardest issues in the commercial car sector. The oil is designed for Euro exhaust class Euro 5 & 6, especially in view to Scania LDF 3. Additionally Divinol Multimax Scandrive 10W40 is protected against acidification due to a high base number in the oil. The optimal low temperature behaviour guarantees good cold starting properties all over the year and excellent lubrication. This benefit reduces cold start wear as well fuel consumption. High power reserves allow usage in engines with prolonged oil-change intervals under difficult operating condtions. May not be used in gasoline engines.
high TBN - worldwide deployable
very good protection against piston deposits
effective oxidation resistance
low oil consumption due to lower evaporation loss
longer oil drain intervals (depending on the manufacturer's instructions)
Manufacturer approval
Scania LDF-3
Manufacturer performance
Scania LDF-2; MB- Approval 228.5; MAN M 3277; Volvo VDS 3; Renault RLD2; Deutz DQC III-10; DAF Extended Drain; Cummins CES 20072; Mack EO-N; MTU Type 3
SAE Grade:
Ash / Sulfate DIN 51575: 49780
10W-40 1.8